Sculpture en bronze Art deco femme nue au pigeon, message d’amour
Pierre Le Faguays, 1892 – 1962.
Pierre le Faguays was born in Nantes, he studied under Vibert at the École des Beaux-Arts in Geneva, He was a French sculptor of elegant female figures, monuments, ceramics and figurative lamps, working in a pure Art Deco style comparable to the work of Demetre Chiparus. Pierre Le Faguays captured public attention with his early exhibitions of exuberant dancing figures.
He took part in his first exhibition at the Salon de la Société des Artistes Français in 1922 where he received an honorable mention in 1926 and another honorable mention in the Sculpture section, in 1927. He used 2 pseudonyms as well as his own name;
Fayral on his art metal pieces and Pierre Laurel on some of his bronze sculptures. Fayral was a family name, his wife was Raymonde Guerbe and many of her art metal scupltures were also produced by the Le Verrier foundry.
Le Faguays was a leading sculptor and his work is frequently praised for its high quality and attention to anatomical accuracy.
He most often worked on a live model, that results in very dynamic sculpture of women in motion. Togehter with Marcel Bouraine, he also produced designs for Goldscheider in Paris under the ‘La Stele’ label. He worked in several mediums including bronze, spelter, ivory, stone, wood, alabaster and ceramics.
Le Faguays studied with his friend Max Le Verrier and was a good friend of Marcel Bouraine. The Le Verrier foundry produced many of the Le Faguays statues in art metal. All three had studied together at the Beaux Arts in Geneva and remained life-long friends.
After the Second World War, he found himself painter on the Place du Tertre in Montmartre.
Pierre Le Faguays died in 1962.