Antique bronze bust of a smiling child.
Jean Antoine Injalbert. -
Antique bronze sculpture male nude with stone
Hugo Siegwart -
Art Deco style sculpture nude bather VENUS
Fayral, Pierre Le Faguays -
Art Deco bronze sculpture bust young Achilles.
Constant Roux -
Art Nouveau bronze sculptural tray indoor fountain with nude
Suzanne Bizard. -
Le Rhone Art Deco bronze sculpture bust of a man.
André César VermareSOLD
Art Nouveau bronze sculpture nude snake charmer.
Germany, ca. 1900 -
Art Deco style sculpture dancer ILLUSION
Fayral, Pierre Le Faguays -
Art Deco bronze sculpture athlete with spear
Pierre Le Faguays -
Art Deco bronze sculpture nude with garland.
Joe Descomps Cormier -
Art Deco sculpture birds on a branch.
André Vincent Becquerel.
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