Art Deco bronze sculpture of a panther
Mathias GonzalesSOLD
Art Deco bronze sculpture of two panthers
Lucien AlliotSOLD
Art Deco bronze lamb bookends
Paul Silvestre.SOLD
Art Deco bronze sculpture of lady with hat
Joanny DurandSOLD
Antique bronze sculpture boy with lizard
Henri JacobsSOLD
Art Nouveau pewter vase with 3 upright fish
Hermann Gradl for Osiris.SOLD
Orpheus Antique bronze sculpture of a male nude with lyre and cape.
Prof. George Mattes.SOLD
Art Deco bronze sculpture reclining nude with drape.
J.D. JosselinSOLD
Art Deco bronze bookends little Pierrots
Jean de la FontinelleSOLD
Art Deco bronze sculpture of a nude dancer
J.P. MoranteSOLD
Mid Century painting still life with coffee pot, bottle and fruit on a table
Michel Marie Poulain
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