Art Deco bronze sculpture seated nude with flowers.
Maxime Real del Sarte -
Art Deco lamp sculpture dancer with ball.
Georges van de VoordeSOLD
Art Deco style sculpture of a walking lion.
Max Le VerrierSOLD
Art Deco bronze sculpture of a panther.
Emile Louis BracquemondSOLD
Art Deco silvered bronze walrus bookends.
Georges H. Laurent.SOLD
Art Deco bronze sculpture athlete with bow
Pierre Le FaguaysSOLD
Art Deco bronze sculpture of two panthers.
Georges LavroffSOLD
Pair of Art Deco vases blue green ceramic and bronze
Paul Milet for SèvresSOLD
Art Deco bookends with reading nudes Delassement
Max Le VerrierSOLD
Art Deco bronze sculpture nude with satyr.
Pierre Le Faguays.SOLD
Dahlias Art Deco cameo glass vase with flowers
Charles Schneider, Le Verre Français.SOLD
Art Nouveau ceramic vase with flowers
Hippolyte BoulengerSOLD
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