Art Deco vulture bird bookends
Max Le VerrierSOLD
Art Deco bronze sculpture of a female deer
Louis RicheSOLD
French Art Deco painting of a woman painter in an interior
Charles Alexandre Picard Le DouxSOLD
Art Deco lamp kneeling nudes holding a glass shade
Fayral, Pierre Le Faguays for Max Le VerrierSOLD
Art Deco painting of couple on a swing
Louis Eugene GlasserSOLD
Seule Art Nouveau bronze bust of a woman
Emmanuel VillanisSOLD
Art Deco silvered bronze elephant bookends
Marcel PleySOLD
Walkyrie Art Nouveau bronze bust of a woman with helmet
Emmanuel VillanisSOLD
Art Deco sculpture of a panther head between bushes
Max Le VerrierSOLD
Art Deco bronze Indian lookout car mascot
Guillaume LaplagneSOLD
Pair Art Deco wrought iron pelican bookends
Edgar BrandtSOLD
Art Deco painting young woman with hat
French schoolSOLD
Art Deco bronze panther sculpture
Louis Albert CarvinSOLD
Art Deco bronze sculpture of a lion.
Kabuki ShumeiSOLD
Art Deco bronze sculpture nude with bow Penthesilia
Marcel André BouraineSOLD
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