Art Deco sculpture of a panther
M. LeducqSOLD
Art Deco silvered bronze vase with antilope
Georges DunaimeSOLD
Victory Art Deco sculpture of three athletes
Pierre Le FaguaysSOLD
Art Deco bronze bookends cat and bulldog.
Monogrammed ASOLD
Art Deco set of 12 silvered animal knife rests in case
Sandoz for Gallia, ChristofleSOLD
Art Deco bronze bust of Achilles
Constant RouxSOLD
Art Deco fish bookends
Jean LucSOLD
Art Deco bronze sculpture of a hoop dancer
Samuel LipchytzSOLD
Mid Century abstract bronze sculpture
Claudio CapotondiSOLD
Art Deco Ibex or ram bookends
Max Le VerrierSOLD
Art Deco sculpture bending bar man “l’age du bronze”
Demetre H. Chiparus.SOLD
Art Deco bison bookends
Max Le VerrierSOLD
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