Wiener Bronze erotisch Orientalische Frauenakt Tänzerin Kleid hebend

Big windy day, large erotic cold painted mechanical Vienna bronze of an Oriental nude dancer. Her skirt lifts to reveal her naked body.  Signed ‘Nam Greb’  and ‘B’ in a vase. Cold patined bronze on marble base. Austria 1910.     
Künstler / Schöpfer Franz Xavier Bergman
Signatur / Marken Nam Greb, Anagram of Bergman. 
B in a double handled vase.
Stil Orientalist, Art Nouveau
Datum 1910
Werkstoff Cold painted bronze.
Marble base.
Herkunft Austria.
Größe (cm) H. 33 cm. x L 20 cm. x W. 17.5 cm. 

Größe (Zoll) H. 13 inch. x L. 7.9 inch. x W. 6.9 inch. 

Zustand Very good.
Literatur This model is illustrated on page 233 
“Antique Vienna bronzes“  by Joseph Zobel Schiffer and in 
“Bronzes, sculptors and founders” by H. Berman, Abage. Illustration nr. 3602
General information:
“Bronzes de Vienne” by Ernest Hrabalek, les editions de l'amateur.
“Art Bronzes” Michael Forrest. 
“Art deco sculpture” by Victor Arwas, Academy.
Instagram Video Link
Versand Europa 58
Versand weltweit 85

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Wiener Bronze erotisch Orientalische Frauenakt Tänzerin Kleid hebend