Art Deco sculpture nude scarf dancer Folie

 1 950,00

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Art Deco sculpture nude scarf dancer Folie by Denis.
Cast at the Max Le Verrier foundry.
Patinated metal. France 1930.
Portor marble base. 

Artist / Maker Denis
Signature/ Marks Denis
Style Art Deco
Date 1930
Material Patinated Art metal. 
Portor marble base.
Origin France
Size (cm) H. 29 cm x L. 20 cm. x W. 12 cm.

Size (inches) H. 11.4 inch x L. 7.9 inch x W. 4.7 inch.
Condition Very good.

This sculpture is illustrated in:
Max le Verrier, un esprit Art Déco.  
Bénédicte Wattel & Damien Blanchet Le Verrier.
Editions Louvre Victoire.  
& in Bronzes, sculptors and founders, H. Berman, Abage.

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Art Deco sculpture Folie Denis - 1-Deconamic