Art Deco
Art Deco sculpture birds on a branch.
André Vincent Becquerel. -
Art Deco bronze sculpture nude with garland.
Joe Descomps Cormier -
Art Deco Ibex or ram bookends
Max Le Verrier -
Art Deco parrot bookends.
Georges Van de Voorde, -
Art Deco bronze bookends panther and tiger.
Oscar Waldmann -
Art Deco bronze bookends nymph and faun
Pierre Le Faguays. -
Art Deco style painting landscape with sailing boats
Patrick Leroy -
Art Deco bronze pheasant sculpture.
André Vincent Becquerel, -
Art Deco bronze sculpture nude dagger dancer
Pierre Le Faguays. -
Art Deco monkey carmascot with flag pole.
Max Le Verrier -
Art Deco bronze cat bookends
Louis Riche -
Art Deco bronze sculpture bird on horseshoe
André Vincent Becquerel. -
Art Deco erotic bronze nude in dressing gown.
Maurice Milliere. -
Art Deco bronze sculpture seated nude with flowers.
Maxime Real del Sarte -
Art Deco bronze sculpture of a standing nude
Wilhelm Oskar Prack
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